News ⚠️

Confession time. We last updated our news back in 2015. So… consider this a holding page until we get our act together again. It’s been three years since I wrote the previous sentences so I guess this is our news page now ¯_(ツ)_/¯

01 Jan 2020 — Our Hobart location has moved! Not far though: to 1A Brooke St. If you accidentally go to the old Mill location by mistake because we haven’t pulled our old signage down… just walk literally one building towards Salamanca, cross Brooke St, and look for our signage next to a bike hire shop.

19 Jan 2020 — Our Moonah location is now open! We have both coworking desks and private offices available, see plans, in a fantastic Art Deco inspired building in the main street of Moonah. Get in touch for a tour and a free trial day.

In old news: we have a limited number of private offices available in Hobart, we partnered with Switch to open Switch Spaces in Ulverstone, we have a new ⚠️ members directory page under construction, and you can still read about the Mill building open day we held some five years ago.